We Worship. We Witness. We Serve.

Welcome to Redeemer!

Serving the Greater Peoria Area community in Central Illinois since 1949, Redeemer Lutheran Church is your home where you can worship, witness, and serve Christ together as a family of believers.

We value the importance of a Christian Education through our Redeemer Lutheran Preschool & Child Care and support Concordia Lutheran School in Peoria, Illinois.

We serve Christ as a member of The Lutheran Church─Missouri Synod (LCMS).

Worship with us!


5:30 PM


8:15 AM

Education Hour
9:30 AM

10:45 AM



8:15 AM

10:45 AM

 2025 Lent Service Schedule

March 5 - April 9
Midweek Lent services are offered on Wednesdays at 12:15 & 6:00* p.m. with a meal served prior at 11:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.

April 13: Palm Sunday

April 17: Maundy Thursday:
Services at 12:15 & 6:00* p.m.

April 18: Good Friday Services at 12:15 & 6:00* p.m.

April 19: Easter Vigil at 5:30 p.m.

April 20: Easter services at 8:15 & 10:45 a.m., breakfast served at 9:15 a.m.

*6:00 p.m. services will be livestreamed

Serve & Witness

At whatever stage of life you are in, it can be difficult to find community and create long-lasting relationships. We offer various groups and ministries for a variety of life stages and serve a wide range of communities near and far. Join us in fellowship as we worship, witness, and serve together as believers in Christ.


Care Ministry

Care Ministry is committed to meeting people where they are in their time of crisis. It is our privilege to offer them hope in Jesus Christ, as well as help them in their time of need.

Some areas we address are food, using our pantry, very limited financial assistance, referrals for counseling, prayer, and most importantly, sharing the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Preschool & Child Care

Redeemer Preschool & Child Care offers childcare for infants, toddlers, and preschool-aged children from Pre-K through 2 years old.

Our programs are designed to nurture children's interests and introduce them to new areas for discovery and exploration.

We acknowledge the importance of Christian education both inside and outside the classroom.

School Association

Redeemer Lutheran Church supports Concordia Lutheran School along with two other local LCMS churches.

Concordia is a nationally accredited school that provides families with a Christ-centered, academically challenging education to equip students for lifelong Christian discipleship and serve as a witness for Christ to our community and world.

Upcoming Events

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