Jesus calls us to be His disciples,
share the Gospel through the Holy Spirit,
and serve our neighbors.

International Mission Partners
LCMS International Missions
Redeemer has supported international LCMS missionaries around the world for many years through Mission Central. Mission Central is the largest network of support to the LCMS Office of International Mission, facilitating millions of dollars every year to send and keep missionaries in the mission field, and strengthen districts in their support of local congregation/community mission efforts.
The Redeemer Missions Board is supporting Rev. Jason Steffenson and Anna Marie Steffenson who serve the Lord as missionaries through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Italy, where Jason is a theological educator and church planter. In addition to helping with church-planting efforts throughout Italy, he teaches with the Luther Academy in Riga, Latvia.
The Redeemer Missions Board is supporting Rev. Bryan and Deaconess Keah Payne who serve the Lord as missionaries through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Tanzania. Bryan is a theological educator at a new seminary in Shinyanga, Tanzania, where he teaches classes and assists in forming pastors for service in Africa. Keah serves alongside the deaconesses of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania’s South-East of Lake Victoria Diocese and supports their professional development.
The Redeemer Missions Board is supporting Nate and Shannon Ackerman who serve the Lord as missionaries through The Jesus Film Project in Thailand. Not everyone can read or will read the Bible. Jesus Film Project delivers the story of Jesus on film so all can hear Him speak in their language and see His love play out on screen. Based on the Gospel of Luke, the film “JESUS”—the gospel on film—has been translated into more than 2,180 languages and counting.
India Transformed
India Transformed! delivers hope through faith and education by funding programs that empower individuals to discover their God-given potential. To achieve this, Redeemer has been a proud partner, sponsoring numerous children to ensure they are loved and cared for, giving them the opportunity to live, laugh, and dream. We’ve also supported The Women's ARISE! Empowerment Program, which equips women with literacy and sewing skills, boosting their self-esteem and earning them respect within their family as contributing wage earners. We also actively support Community Transformation projects by training and equipping local indigenous leaders to bring hope into their communities which brings renewed life and purpose to their lives.
Recently, Redeemer sponsored the executive office for Brother John Peter on the new college campus—a space dedicated to fostering leadership and education!
Cheryl Kruckemeyer
Cheryl Kruckemeyer is a missionary currently serving as the Business Manager for the KKKT Lutheran Medical Dispensary in Shinyanga, Tanzania, where they combine Christian values with healthcare, offering compassion, support, and counseling for patients in the context of their spiritual needs. She also supports those in need by distributing food and clothing, providing transportation to hospitals for individuals to receive care not offered at the Dispensary, and sharing the love of Christ. Through her efforts, she has influenced and connected with the Tanzanian people, demonstrating God's love through both words and deeds. Prior to her current calling, she taught English and prepared students for higher education at the Mwadui Lutheran Secondary School in Mwadui, Tanzania. To learn more about Cheryl’s ministry, follow the link below to visit her Facebook page Tales of Tanzania. Donations to her ministry can be mailed to Richard Meyerhoff, Finance Secretary, STHKP INC, 4107 Chamberlain Circle, Bryan, TX 77802.

National Mission Partners
Pelican Church & Community Center
Redeemer began supporting Pastor Mark Eisold and his family when they started missionary work in Lima, Peru. After being called to Naples, Florida, they planted Pelican Lutheran Church, where Pastor Eisold leads a ministry that impacts the surrounding communities, despite the spiritual darkness and physical challenges like hurricanes. Through Pelican Ministries, many are finding hope and salvation in Christ. The ministry has expanded to include a Spanish Ministry under Reverend Orlando Ramirez and several Hispanic and Haitian missions, reaching a 39-mile area in southwest Florida. Their efforts include offering legal immigration resources, equipping leaders, providing English classes, hosting workshops, and starting youth and deaconess programs. They are planning a five-year growth strategy to fund and further their mission.

Local Mission Partners
Pathway Ministries
Pathway Ministries was founded in 1955 after two ladies toured Pacific Garden Mission and came back to Peoria to begin serving coffee and donuts and sharing the love of God with men who were experiencing homelessness. Today they continue to provide pathways out of poverty through Jesus with our neighbors in need. Pathway Ministries offers emergency services, faith-based education, counseling, and life-skill training across seven different locations in Peoria, including our neighbor, formerly known as the Esther House.
Redeemer's Mission Board allocated a portion of our members' tithes and offerings to the men's emergency shelter in downtown Peoria, where they provide overnight shelter, meals, clothing, showers, and chapel for men in crisis. Our financial donation enabled them to buy sturdy picnic tables for an outdoor patio near the men's shelter. Redeemer members blessed Pathway in September by collecting clothing, shoes, and coffee to assist with needs in their men's and women's shelters. We also blessed the Women's Residential Facility with items for their Christmas Blessing backpacks.
The Christian Center
The Christian Center began its ministry in 1948. The dream was to provide a place where Christians could grow and the lost could find Christ. The Christian Center shares Christ with area children, ages 5-18, through sports ministries, including soccer, baseball, basketball, bowling, billiards, and table tennis. They shared with us, that they have the unbelievable opportunity to share God’s Word with these children every season and encourage them to walk with Jesus in their daily lives. Redeemer has assisted them in the past with funds to help pay for a transportation van, and in supplying sports and playground equipment.
Dream Center Peoria
The Dream Center Peoria is a Christian-based non-profit organization dedicated to transforming lives and strengthening communities in Peoria, Illinois, through compassion, service, and community healing. Its mission focuses on addressing poverty, homelessness, addiction, and other challenges by empowering individuals and families to break the cycles of hardship through immediate support and long-term personal development programs, including job readiness training and recovery programs. The Dream Center also recently opened Zoe House in Washington, IL, to provide a Christ-centered, supportive environment for women and children who are overcoming homelessness, addiction, and trauma by providing a combination of shelter, life skills training, mentorship, and spiritual support to equip women to regain stability, confidence, and independence. Volunteering opportunities at the Dream Center include assisting with food and clothing distribution, serving meals, mentoring, and supporting recovery programs.
The mission of International Friendship, Inc. (IFI) is to extend life changing hospitality and friendship to international students and their families out of reverence for Jesus. IFI's work is driven by a Christian faith-based perspective, focusing on extending hospitality, love, and support, regardless of the student’s background or beliefs. They seek to empower and support international students studying in the United States by offering resources, helping them navigate cultural transitions and grow personally and academically, and developing meaningful relationships with others. Bradley University and Illinois Central College volunteer opportunities include picking students up at the Peoria airport and bus station, providing care packages, providing temporary housing if campus housing is unavailable upon arrival, taking students to stores, becoming a friendship partner, and participating in Bible studies. To learn more about this mission partner, please visit their Peoria website below and click on “about us”.
In addition to Pelican Lutheran Church, the Lord has guided Pastor Eisold and other leaders to establish a Spanish Ministry which shares their facility under the guidance of Reverend Orlando Ramirez. The Lord has also allowed them to integrate or plant Conexion Lutheran Church, the Hispanic Mission at Peace Lutheran Church, and Haitian ministries including Bethlehem Lutheran Church located in Immokalee, Siloe Lutheran Church, and Fraternite Lutheran Mission in Northeast Naples. They offer seven ethnic ministries proclaiming Christ and serving the needs of his people over a 39-mile Span in southwest Florida. God is totally impacting this area through Pelican Ministries of SW FL.
Their faithful service has resulted in:
• Many devoted servant leaders serve in densely populated greater Naples all the way into distant Immokalee together.
• They direct people to trusted, local sources for legal immigration services.
• The equip three Hispanic deacons, six Hispanic deaconesses, and two Haitian Vickers in conjunction with the Florida Georgia District and our own Concordia Seminary in St Louis.
• They offer free English classes five times every week equipping new residents to overcome the language barriers and speaking English.
• They offer two separate one week workshops with special help from our congregation, Redeemer in Peoria (that’s us) and a Lutheran congregation in Knoxville Tennessee.
• They offer first communion classes and youth confirmation classes three times a year.
• They’ve started a youth group, that collaborates with three other congregations nearby.
• They started Deaconess preparation classes for 11 women Monday nights in January 2024.
• They started Deaconess care for members of the local Hispanic churches.
• They are planning a 5-year plan and a new campaign to funding their exploding mission.
Members of the Mission Board toured the men’s emergency shelter in downtown Peoria, where they provide overnight shelter, meals, clothing, showers, and chapel for men in crisis. We have been supporting this ministry for many years and our most recent financial donation enabled them to buy sturdy picnic tables for an outdoor patio near the men’s shelter. During our tour, we learned that the men’s shelter distributes 400 items of clothing a day to men coming in for a shower and overnight shelter!
Tiffany Smith, with Lutheran Bible Translators, is working with the Datoga, a large, unreached tribe scattered in various parts of Tanzania, that speak a minority language called Taturu. Not many of them are Christian (yet!). Tiffany is helping start a Bible translation project for the Taturu. Since many people who speak this language cannot read, they are opting to translate the Bible into audio Scriptures first. Tiffany’s main role is to assess the situation, raise awareness about the project, and establish trusting and long-lasting relationships with native Taturu speakers.
Every year in May a small team from Redeemer travels to rural Virginia to work with the Binns-Counts Community Center on a variety of projects for the local community. Redeemer also contributed funds that helped provide Christmas gifts for 550 children, food certificates for 150 families, and food baskets for over 50 families.
Sharing Christ Through Personal Missions
What is a Personal Mission Activity?
A member or members of Redeemer sharing their faith and love for Christ and serving the needs of others. This program replaces the Missions Board’s Projects with a Purpose and emphasizes both sharing Christ and serving.
Why is Personal Ministry important?
Jesus commanded each one of us as a believer in Christ to witness and share our faith. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations . . . .” Mathew 28:19. Jesus also called each one of us to serve our neighbor: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat . . . . I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:35-40.
Who should be involved?
Everyone. Do not think this is only the Church’s job, or someone else’s responsibility, or that you are not capable. As Jesus said: "for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.” Luke 12:12.
What are examples of Personal Mission Activities?
Examples of Personal Mission Activities are described in the brochure. Some are simple and do not require any outside funding such as preparing a meal for a friend or neighbor and telling them about Jesus or patiently listening to a person who is hurting and then asking if you can pray for him or her. Other Personal Mission Activities may require some funding such as for supplies for a service activity that also involves sharing a message about Christ or preparing care packages that include Christian materials such as a copy of the New Testament. The Missions Board may be able to help with this funding.
How do I get involved?
If no funding is needed – Just go, share, and serve. If funding is needed, download and fill out the application in this brochure, or fill out an online application below.
We encourage everyone to share their personal mission activities with the Missions Board so the Board can share them anonymously with the congregation to inspire others to spread God's word as we serve others. Also, please pray that the faith of our members and “neighbors” will be strengthened through these activities and that many new souls will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.