In addition to tithes, online giving allows you to make payments to Redeemer Preschool & Childcare or make donations in memory or honor of a loved one. You can make a one-time donation or set up a schedule of automatic donations. Log in at any time to make changes or view your giving history.
Church App
Download the RLC App here. You can also find it in the App Store and Google Play Store (search for Redeemer Lutheran Peoria IL)
If you prefer to place your cash or check in an envelope, Redeemer utilizes Concordia Publishing House’s mailing program. CPH mails envelopes on a calendar quarterly basis directly to your home and should be received within the last two weeks prior to a new quarter.
Contact Johanna Harms for more information.
Stock Gift Donations
R.W. Baird offers a more personal experience through The Bailey Group. TD Ameritrade offers low-cost, discount brokerage fees.
Contact Donna Campbell for more information.
Donor-Advised Funds (DAF)
To set up a DAF, please contact a financial institution or community foundation.
Qualified Distribution from IRA
Contact the financial institution(s) holding your IRA assets.
Thrivent Choice Dollars
Contact your Thrivent Financial consultant. Redeemer’s Council prayerfully allocates these funds as determined appropriate to further the mission and ministry of Redeemer Lutheran Church.
Contribution Statements
Contribution statements are emailed via RLC Connect on a quarterly and annual basis. You will need to log in to RLC Connect to access your statement. To request access to RLC Connect, please click here: Select Request Account and follow the prompts.
If you do not have an email address, your quarterly statement will be mailed to you.
All donors will receive a year-end statement via mail postmarked no later than January 31. Please review your statements when they are received, and contact Johanna Harms at 309-691-2333, Ext. 10., with any concerns.
Redeemer Lutheran Church has a merchant account through Payment Spring and is compliant with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards. Redeemer’s Validation Number is NTS177541581121 and will be renewed on an annual basis.