Spring, 2021

Winter has always been my favorite season, followed by autumn. But I find myself excited about this spring more than usual. Of course ,spring always brings with it a sense of rebirth, with signs of renewal throughout the countryside. On the farms planting is taking place, along with calving and lambing. Plants and trees are budding, their fragrances filling the air.

But with this spring of 2021 there are even more new things coming our way. As a congregation we have the seminary call service, tonight, during which we will learn who our new associate pastor will be. For the community of Peoria it seems that along with the rest of the country things are opening up and people are a bit more optimistic, health-wise, with vaccinations taking place at a good clip. On a personal note, Jami and I are awaiting the birth of another grandson in about a month.

Many are the reasons for thanksgiving this spring. Thank you, Lord.




Remembering Good Friday