Chip Winter Chip Winter

Godliness with Contentment

This is a long scripture passage, with an even longer article from “Leadership”, an online resource shared by Tim Elmore. But I cannot think of where to trim any of it.

I Timothy 6: 6 But godliness with contentment is great gain, 7 for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. 8 But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. 9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

11 But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.12 Fight the good fight of the faith.


February 6, 2024

We Don’t Actually Want Our Kids to Be Happy

By Andrew McPeak

“To live with joy is to live with wonder, gratitude, and hope.” — David Brooks

In 2014, a fascinating report from the Harvard Graduation School of Education’s Making Caring Common Project revealed a startling contrast between the message parents intend to send to their children and the one that is getting through. The report entitled “The Children We Mean to Raise: The Real Messages Adults Are Sending About Values” surveyed over 10,000 middle and high school-aged students about what was most important to them: “achieving at a high level, happiness (feeling good most of the time), or caring for others.”

The results were striking:

“Almost 80% of youth picked high achievement or happiness as their top choice, while roughly 20% selected caring for others.”

One student in the survey summed up their opinion: “If you are not happy, life is nothing. After that, you want to do well. And after that, expend any excess energy on others.”

What’s most interesting about this blatantly self-focused perspective in our students is where they got it from. In similar surveys of adults over the same timeframe, “most parents and teachers say that developing caring children is a top priority and rank it as more important than children’s achievements.” But youth aren’t buying it:

“About 80% of the youth in our survey report that their parents are more concerned about achievement or happiness than caring for others. A similar percentage of youth perceive teachers as prioritizing students’ achievements over their caring. Youth were also 3 times more likely to agree than disagree with this statement: “My parents are prouder if I get good grades in my classes than if I’m a caring community member in class and school.”

I’d like to summarize all that we are learning here:

1. If you ask a parent or a teacher what is most important in the development of the young people under their care, they will say things like “kindness,” “care,” or “character.”

2. When you ask students what they think their parents and teachers really care about, they say things like “achievement” or “happiness.”

3. So, which answer is it? The one we are practicing, of course.

Ironically, adults’ obsession with their kids’ happiness over kindness and achievement over purpose has backfired. According to research by Suniya S. Luthar, “children from affluent communities who are subjected to intense achievement pressure by their parents don’t appear to outperform other students.” Instead of success or happiness, the most common traits these happiness-chasing students share today are stress and loneliness. Is it possible that in making happiness the goal, we were mistaken? I think so.

A Goal More Important Than Happiness

So, if success (and the happiness we think it will bring) is not the goal, what is? In his excellent book on the pursuit of the most fulfilling version of life, The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life,bestselling author David Brooks writes:

”We think we want ease and comfort, and of course we do from time to time, but there is something inside us that longs for some calling that requires dedication and sacrifice.”

What Brooks means, and we all know intrinsically, is that true life satisfaction comes not from rising above the little struggles and sacrifices in life but from embracing them. When our kids embrace the challenges and struggles they face for the sake of something bigger, instead of happiness, they find another more helpful outcome: joy. Whereas happiness results from achievement or pleasure, joy comes from meaning and purpose. Because they center themselves around a higher purpose, people with joy are not as vulnerable to life’s little obstacles, like failed math tests and athletic injuries, or life’s significant obstacles, such as the loss of a loved one. A student’s access to meaning and purpose gives them an unshakeable steadiness. Joy is a much better goal than happiness.

Sadly, not a lot of students are feeling purposeful these days. In a study for his book, The Path to Purpose, William Damon found that only 20 percent of young adults have a fully realized sense of purpose. So, how can we help our students find both purpose and the joy it brings? Here are a few ideas:

1. Young people need opportunities to discover their passions. I remember watching my brother work at his love of music for hours upon hours when I was growing up. Even back then, my younger brother had found something he was willing to give up his time and resources to chase. It’s not surprising he is still making music today — now in his thirties. Do you know where the word “passion” comes from? The root means “to suffer.” Young people need opportunities to discover the things they are willing to spend their time and resources on simply because they love them. What opportunities are your students getting to find out what they love?

2. Young people need parents, leaders, and mentors who recognize their joy. A friend of mine likes to say that “the only thing rarer than genius is the ability to recognize it.” When a young person finds a passion or purpose, it is doubtful they will also realize what they have discovered. They need adults who call out the joy they experience and encourage them to chase it. What activities are most likely to bring a smile to their face? What could they spend hours doing without even realizing it?

3. Young leaders need us to model and communicate in a better way. As we saw in the surveys, most adults believe one thing about success but teach their kids another. If you are one of those adults who genuinely desires your child or student’s joy over their happiness, then you must embody that belief. Let them chase goals that are unlikely to bring financial success. Find ways to model personal sacrifice and even talk about it with kids. Discover ways to celebrate kindness, generosity, attitude, and effort as often as you do their test scores and sports stats. It’s not that one is terrible and the other is good. The two just need to be in balance.

There is a simple way to understand the difference between happiness and joy.

Chasing happiness will bring short-term gain but long-term pain. Chasing joy might bring short-term pain, but it will bring long-term gain.

Leaders, let’s start choosing the bigger picture today. For our children’s future — and their joy — let’s lead them down a different path.

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Chip Winter Chip Winter

From Dr. Dale Meyer in today's installment of his "Meyer Minute"

Jesus loves me, this I know,

Though my hair is white as snow

Though my sight is growing dim,

Still He bids me trust in Him.

- Yes, Jesus loves me… Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.

Though my steps are oh, so slow,

With my hand in His I’ll go

On through life, let come what may,

He’ll be there to lead the way. – Chorus

When the nights are dark and long,

In my heart He puts a song…

Telling me in words so clear,

“Have no fear, for I am near.” – Chorus

When my work on earth is done,

And life’s victories have been won,

He will take me home above

Then I’ll understand His love. – Chorus

I love Jesus, does He know?

Have I ever told Him so?

Jesus loves to hear me say,

That I love Him every day. – Chorus

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Chip Winter Chip Winter

Question Book

My wife, Jami, and I were gifted with what I’ll call a question book last year. It poses a question every day and there are spaces to answer these questions three years in a row. These questions range throughout myriad topics. “Who do you admire?” “If you could wake up anywhere in the world, tomorrow, where would that be?” etc.

Since we are in the second rotation through the questions, we generally try to cover up what we answered last year as we write down this year’s responses. After this year’s answers are written down, we then compare them with what we answered last year.

In some instances, we are remarkably consistent! In others we are markedly different. That brought to mind the following exchange:

“Alas! there are some wounds that cannot be wholly cured,” said Gandalf. “I fear it may be so with mine,” said Frodo. “There is no real going back. Though I may come to the Shire, it will not seem the same; for I shall not be the same.”—J. R. R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

In each year there are experiences – accomplishments, losses, observations – which leave us changed. Perhaps you had time to reflect on that as December came to a close.

Thankfully, we have Someone Who watches over us, to see us through. He has loved us with a deep, abiding love, and He is always the same. Hebrews 13: 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

God bless you throughout 2024.

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