Welcome to Redeemer!
Serving the Greater Peoria Area community in Central Illinois since 1949, Redeemer Lutheran Church is your home where you can worship, witness, and serve Christ together as a family of believers.
Redeemer Lutheran Church is a member congregation of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). Visit the Missouri Synod website for more information.
We believe that there is no one without sin and that redemption can only be sought through Christs atoning sacrifice, apart from ourselves. So, we BELIEVE, TEACH, and CONFESS that we are saved by God’s GRACE ALONE, which is made manifest through our FAITH ALONE in Christs atoning sacrifice and that these things have been revealed to us through the SCRIPTURES ALONE, which are without error. Click here for more information.
We believe Baptism is not just simply water, but water connected with God’s Word that personally delivers the gift of forgiveness that was purchased at the Cross of Christ. At Baptism, you are adopted as a child of God.
Redeemer believes that in communion we receive the true body and blood of Jesus Christ that is really present in the bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins. If you have been baptized, instructed in the Biblical teaching of communion, and agree with our confession of faith, please feel free to commune with us. For any questions, please make an appointment to talk with a pastor.
Communion is offered on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of each month.
What To Expect:
Your First Visit
Before You Arrive
Before arriving, plan when you’d like to worship with us! Then, decide if you’d like to attend our Education Hour at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays.
Choose Your Service
Join us in worship on either Saturday night, Sunday morning, or from home via our Livestream.
If you prefer a traditional worship service with organ hymns, then join us on Saturday at 5:30 p.m. or Sunday at 8:15 a.m.
We also offer another option with contemporary Christian music and a band on Sunday mornings at 10:45 a.m.
If you prefer to join us at home, attend virtual worship during our Sunday 8:15 and 10:45 a.m. services via our Livestream.
Education Hour
We provide a variety of options for our Education Hour. Stop by our visitor desk in our church lobby and one of our greeters would be happy to help you locate where each group meets.
Group Bible Study (All Ages)
Group Bible Study (Parents of Young Children)
Group Bible Study (High School Youth)
Sunday School (Kids starting at age 2 - Junior High)
Worship Menu
5:30 PM
8:15 AM
10:45 AM
8:15 AM
10:45 AM
Education Hour
9:30 AM
When You Arrive
We are located at 6801 North Allen Road in Peoria, Illinois. When you get here please feel free to park near our first entrance by the carport and steeple where you will enter to attend services. You will then be greeted at the doors by one of our elders or pastors.
Visitor Desk
Once you walk in you will see our visitor desk on the right. Please visit here and mention that you are new and visiting for the first time! We can answer any questions that you have and give you a visitor packet.
You can grab one of our children’s activity bags by the sanctuary doors if you have small children. These include small toys, coloring pages, and stickers that children can play with in the pew during the service. Please return these in the bin next to the activity bags stand after worship. We also offer our nursery staffed with lovely people to watch your children during the service. Learn more about that here.

During Worship
Join us on Saturday nights or Sunday mornings for an hour of music, message, and prayer.
Recent Sermons
After Worship
We are so glad you are here visiting with us! Please introduce yourself to one of our pastors and stay and chat with any of our members while enjoying coffee and breakfast snacks. We love meeting new people and are so glad you chose to spend time with us here at Redeemer Lutheran Church!
Education Hour
If you have chosen to attend our 8:15 a.m. service, please bring your coffee and join us in bible study or have your children attend our Sunday School or high school bible study. There is no need for previous knowledge of our beliefs. Please join us in conversation or observe what it’s like to attend a bible study if it’s your first time.
Church Library
If you become a member, please check out our church library down the hall to the right of the preschool & childcare entrance. Members may choose from a variety of books & media to check out during services or Education Hour on Sundays. You can learn more here.
Next Steps:
After Your Visit
Meet Our Team
Upcoming Events
Join us at any of our events at Redeemer and follow our social pages for updates and reminders.
Become a Member
Join us for a class to not only learn about Redeemer Lutheran Church, but our beliefs and Lutheran history as well. We would love to have you as a member of our community that worships, witnesses, and serves.
Discover Redeemer meets several times per year. Fill out the form below to be notified when the next class will begin.